Math Claim 4: Students solve increasingly complex mathematical problems, making productive use of algebra and functions

Algebraic Thinking
Participants will learn how multiple means of representation helps support algebraic thinking, how teaching algebraic thinking involves helping students make connections, describe, and justify general patterns, and the importance of the equal sign. 
Online Self-directed Algebraic Thinking Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Algebraic Thinking

Calculating Accurately with Addition
This module will help participants to support student learning of addition facts, the properties of addition, and the use of manipulatives for students with physical barriers. 
Online Self-directed Addition Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Addition

Calculating Accurately with Division
Participants will learn how other mathematical operations play a role in learning division as well as gain greater understanding of the importance of receptive and expressive language in communicating about division.  Two types of division, sharing and grouping, will also be discussed. 
Online Self-directed Division Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Division

Calculating Accurately with Multiplication
Participants of this module will learn how repeated addition and arrays support understanding of multiplication, will use multiple representations to model multiplication, and how the properties of multiplication help to support student understanding. The big ideas in multiplication will also be addressed. 
Online Self-directed Multiplication Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Multiplication

Calculating Accurately with Subtraction
In this module, participants will make connections between addition and subtraction, as well as learn subtraction strategies, structures, and properties. 
Online Self-directed Subtraction Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Subtraction

Functions and Rates
In this module, participants will gain understanding of how students can use language descriptors as a foundation for developing mathematical language using variables. Participants will also learn how students can use prior knowledge of counting and patterns to build an understanding of Functions and Rate and find the rate of change using a function table or graph. 
Online Self-directed Functions and Rates Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Functions and Rates

Patterns and Sequence
Participants will understand that recognizing and creating patterns is a basic math skill upon which many mathematical concepts are based and will learn about using repetition with variety to support student understanding of patterns.  Participants will also understand that the base-ten number system is full of patterns and helping students recognize those patterns gives the student a way of making connections between what they already know and what they are learning. 
Online Self-directed Patterns and Sequence Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Patterns and Sequence
