Animal Babies. A list of animal babies and what they are called.
Animal Mothers. A book of animal mothers and the ways they care for their babies.
Are You My Mother? by Charna A newly born bird searches for its mother.
Are You My Mother? by Kaizactan A little animal looks for its mother.
Are You My Mother? by susan961 A retelling of the book Are You My Mother?
Eggs. A book of animals that hatch from eggs.
I Love Animals. A list of different animals.
Monarch Reader Are You My Mother? Collection
Monarch Reader Frog and Toad Together Collection
Friends. A list of ways friends help each other.
Frogs and Toads. A book about the differences and similarities of frogs and toads.
Grocery List. The author creates a grocery list for making a pizza.
My To Do List. A book about what the author plans on doing that day.
The List. A retelling of the story “A List” from Frog and Toad Together.
What Do Frogs Do? A list of things that frogs can do.
Monarch Reader Frog and Toad Together Collection
The Garden
Friends. A list of ways friends help each other.
Frog’s Garden. A book about the silly things Frog does to get his garden to grow.
A Garden. A retelling of the story “The Garden” from Frog and Toad Together.
Garden Flowers. A book about the flowers, birds, and insects that can be found in a garden.
Growing a Garden. A list of fruits and vegetables that are grown in gardens.
To Grow a Sunflower. A book of the items needed to grow a sunflower.
Monarch Reader Frog and Toad Together: The GardenCollection
Chocolate Chip Cookies. A list of ingredients needed to make chocolate chip cookies.
Cookies. A retelling of the story “Cookies” from Frog and Toad Together.
Friends. A list of ways friends help each other.
Just One More. A book about the foods that the author loves to eat.
We Make Cookies. A list of cookies that a person could bake.
Willpower. A book of examples of using willpower, with repeating long sentences.
Monarch Reader Frog and Toad Together: CookiesCollection
Dragons and Giants
Bravery. A book of people performing acts of bravery.
Dragons and Giants. A retelling of the story “Dragons and Giants” from Frog and Toad Together.
Dragons Are Cool. A book about dragons.
Fairy Tales. A list of the characteristics of fairy tales.
Frogs and Toads. A book about the differences and similarities of frogs and toads.
What Makes You Afraid? A list of things that typically make people afraid.
Monarch Reader Frog and Toad Together: Dragons and Giants Collection
The Dream
The Dream. A retelling of the story “The Dream” from Frog and Toad Together.
Dreams. A book about dreams.
Friends. A list of ways friends help each other.
Friends by amhosman. A book of characteristics of friends.
Friends by Charna. A book of ways that friends help each other.
Goals. A book about goals, dreams, and challenges.
I Wish I Were a Star. A list of ways to be famous.
Monarch Reader Frog and Toad Together: The DreamCollection
Cats. A book about cats and the things they can do or be.
Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham? A retelling of the book Green Eggs and Ham.
Eggs by Charna. A list of the different ways eggs can be prepared.
Eggs. A book of different animals that hatch from eggs.
Fun Cats. A descriptive book about cats.
Green Eggs and Ham. A retelling of the story Green Eggs and Ham.
Have You Ever. Rhyming book with objects from the book Green Eggs and Ham.
Monarch Reader Green Eggs and Ham Collection
Animal Sounds. A book about the sounds that different animals make.
I Won! A list of competitions a person can win.
Pets. A catalog of different animals that can be pets.
Pests. A book about different creatures that are considered pests.
What’s For Lunch? A list of popular foods that can be eaten for lunch.
Monarch Reader Hi! Fly Guy Collection.
Monarch Reader Little Bear Collection
Birthday Soup
Bears. A list of different types of bears.
Birthdays. A book about the characteristics of birthdays.
Little Bear and Friends. A book listing characters in the Little Bear books.
Vegetable Soup. A list of ingredients needed to make vegetable soup.
Who Takes Care of You? A book about how families take care of each other.
Monarch Reader Little Bear: Birthday Soup Collection
What Will Little Bear Wear?
Bears. A list of different types of bears.
I Need a Hat. A book about the different places where a person could get a hat.
It is Cold. What Will You Wear? A book about things a person wears when it is cold outside and the part of the body you wear them on (2 sentences per page).
What Do Mother Bears Do? A book describing how mother bears care for their cubs.
Winter. A book of winter scenes.
Monarch Reader Little Bear: What Will Little Bear Wear? Collection
Little Bear Goes to the Moon
How Does It Fly? A list of how certain things can fly (2 sentences per page).
Planets in Space. A book listing the planets of our solar system.
Space Travel. A book about things associated with space travel.
What Can Fly? A list of animals that can and can not fly.
Who Takes Care of You? A book about how families take care of each other.
Monarch Reader Little Bear: Little Bear Goes to the Moon Collection
Little Bear’s Wish
I Can’t Sleep. A book about the things that a person does when they cannot sleep.
I Wish… A book of items the author wishes for.
Ssssh! A list of creatures that sleep.
What Do Mother Bears Do? A book describing how mother bears care for their cubs.
Where Do Animals Sleep? A list of places where different animals sleep.
Monarch Reader Little Bear: Little Bear’s Wish Collection
Monarch Reader Owl at Home Collection
The Guest
The Guest. A retelling of the story “The Guest” from Owl at Home.
It is Cold. What Will You Wear? A book about things a person wears when it is cold outside and the part of the body you wear them on (2 sentences per page).
Melt and Freeze. A book of things that melt and freeze in hot and cold environments.
Owls. A list of owl facts.
Winter. A list of things that describe winter (2 words per page).
You’re the Guest! A book of things people are allowed to do because they are guests.
Monarch Reader Owl at Home: The Guest Collection
Strange Bumps
I Can’t Sleep. A book about the things that a person does when they cannot sleep.
Long Ago and Today. A book comparing items that were used in the past to what is used today (2 sentences per page).
Owls. A list of owl facts.
Left and Right. A book that asks the reader to find their left and right side for different body parts.
Strange Bumps. A retelling of the story “Strange Bumps” from Owl at Home.
Where Do Animals Sleep? A list of places where different animals sleep.
Monarch Reader Owl at Home: Strange Bumps Collection
Tear-Water Tea
Life. A book of things that people may find annoying.
Owls. A list of owl facts.
Tea. A list of different types of tea.
Tear-Water Tea. A retelling of the story “Tear-Water Tea” from Owl at Home.
Thirsty. A book of things to drink when you are thirsty.
What Makes You Sad? A list of occurrences that make people sad.
Monarch Reader Owl at Home: Tear-Water Tea Collection
Upstairs and Downstairs
Houses. A book of different types of houses.
Owls. A list of owl facts.
Stairs. A list of different types of stairs.
Up and Down. A book of things to look at in the sky and on the ground.
Upstairs, Downstairs. A retelling of the story “Upstairs and Downstairs” from Owl at Home.
What About Home? A book of things the author sometimes does after they return home from school.
Monarch Reader Owl at Home: Upstairs and Downstairs Collection
The Moon
The Beach. A list of things that can be found at the beach.
Hello, Moon. A book of the phases of the moon and different places to view the moon.
Lonely. A book about what it feels like to be lonely.
Moon Facts. A book of moon facts and phases of the moon.
Owl and the Moon. A retelling of the story “Owl and the Moon” from Owl at Home.
Owls. A list of owl facts.
Pajamas. A book of different types of pajamas.
Monarch Reader Owl at Home: The Moon Collection
Breakfast. A book about the many things the author enjoys eating for breakfast.
Let’s Make Pancakes. A list of the ingredients needed to make pancakes.
Pets. A catalog of different animals that can be pets.
Keep Trying. Activities that are fun to practice over and over again (2 sentences per page).
Where Does It Come From. A list of common items and where they came from.
Monarch Reader Pancakes for Breakfast Collection
At the Zoo. A list of animals that can be seen at the zoo.
The Circus. A book of animals and entertainment that can be seen at the circus.
The Colors of a Rainbow. A list of each color of the rainbow in order.
Balloon Rhymes. A book about balloons with rhymes on each page.
What Can You Do? A list of fun things a person can do.
Monarch Reader Put Me in the Zoo Collection