Algebraic Thinking
Participants will learn how multiple means of representation helps support algebraic thinking, how teaching algebraic thinking involves helping students make connections, describe, and justify general patterns, and the importance of the equal sign.
Algebraic Thinking Online Self-directed Module
Algebraic Thinking Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Basic Geometric Shapes and Their Attributes
The module provides information on the development of the basic understanding of shapes and the elements of their attributes that need to be explicitly included in lesson plans.
Geometric Shapes Online Self-directed Module
Geometric Shapes Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Beginning Communicators
This module describes symbolic and non-symbolic forms of communication, the distinction between pre-intentional and pre-symbolic communicators, and identifies additional sources of support for building communication skills.
Beginning Communicators Online Self-directed Module
Beginning Communicators Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Calculating Accurately with Addition
This module will help participants to support student learning of addition facts, the properties of addition, and the use of manipulatives for students with physical barriers.
Addition Online Self-directed Module
Addition Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Calculating Accurately with Division
Participants will learn how other mathematical operations play a role in learning division as well as gain greater understanding of the importance of receptive and expressive language in communicating about division. Two types of division, sharing and grouping, will also be discussed.
Division Online Self-directed Module
Division Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Calculating Accurately with Multiplication
Participants of this module will learn how repeated addition and arrays support understanding of multiplication, will use multiple representations to model multiplication, and how the properties of multiplication help to support student understanding. The big ideas in multiplication will also be addressed.
Multiplication Online Self-directed Module
Multiplication Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Calculating Accurately with Subtraction
In this module, participants will make connections between addition and subtraction, as well as learn subtraction strategies, structures, and properties.
Subtraction Online Self-directed Module
Subtraction Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
College and Career Readiness Standards
This self-directed module provides an introduction to the College and Career Readiness Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics for teachers who work with students with significant cognitive disabilities who will complete the alternate assessment.
Online Self-directed College and Career Readiness Standards Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for College and Career Readiness Standards
Composing, Decomposing, and Comparing Numbers
This module focuses on composing, decomposing, and comparing numbers and how these concepts support students understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Composing, Decomposing, and Comparing Numbers Online Self-directed Module
Composing, Decomposing, and Comparing Numbers Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Composing and Decomposing Shapes and Area
This module describes the concept of how composing and decomposing shapes supports other mathematical concepts, the idea that smaller units can be combined to form larger units and vice versa, concepts about area that students can work on before learning to calculate area, and how tiling and partitioning can be used to prove the calculation of area.
Shapes and Area Online Self-directed Module
Shapes and Area Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Counting and Cardinality
This self-directed module provides an introduction to the domain of counting and cardinality. It includes information regarding research-based instructional approaches and their application to students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Counting and Cardinality Online Self-directed Module
Counting and Cardinality Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
DLM Claims and Conceptual Areas
This module describes the system of Claims and Conceptual Areas that organize the DLM Alternate Assessment system. Understanding this system will support educational teams as they begin to identify instructional priorities for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Claims and Conceptual Areas Online Self-directed Module
Claims and Conceptual Areas Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
DLM Core Vocabulary and Communication
This module focuses on the use of core vocabulary as a support for communication for students who cannot use speech to meet their face-to-face communication needs and require augmentative and alternative communication.
Core Vocabulary Online Self-directed Module
Core Vocabulary Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
DLM Essential Elements
Description: This self-directed module provides an introduction to the Essential Elements that were developed by the Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium to provide links between the College and Career Readiness Standards and grade specific expectations for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Essential Elements Online Self-directed Module
Essential Elements Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
DLM Science Standards Framework Part 1
Part one of this module provides an introduction to the disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts of the DLM Science framework and the relationship of this framework to A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards.
Science Framework Part 1 Online Self-directed Module
Science Framework Part 1 Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
DLM Science Standards Framework Part 2
Part two of this module provides an overview of the DLM Essential Elements for science and the design of DLM science testlets.
Science Framework Part 2 Online Self-directed Module
Science Framework Part 2 Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension Approaches
Participants will briefly review the anchor-read-apply framework and will be introduced to the DR- TA, KWL, and Yes/No comprehension instructional strategies.
Text Comprehension Approaches Online Self-directed Module
Text Comprehension Approaches Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Effective Instruction in Mathematics
This self-directed module provides an on overview of the effective instructional practices for Mathematics and relates them specifically to students with significant cognitive disabilities who will complete the alternate assessment.
Instruction in Mathematics Online Self-directed Module
Instruction in Mathematics Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Emergent Writing
Participants of this module will learn about alternate pencils, how to support emergent writers, what students learn during the emergent writing stage, and analyze samples of emergent writing.
Emergent Writing Online Self-directed Module
Emergent Writing Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Exponents and Probability
After completing this module, participants will understand the function of an exponent and be able to calculate a simple equation with exponents. Participants will also understand that probability is the likelihood of an event and learn how to use tools to support student understanding of probability.
Exponents and Probability Online Self-directed Module
Exponents and Probability Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Forms of Number
This module focuses on three representational forms of number concrete quantity, pictorial quantity, and symbol and numeral quantity and how all three of these forms support a student in developing number sense.
Forms of Number Online Self-directed Module
Forms of Number Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Fraction Concepts and Models Part I
The module provides an overview of the instructional concepts that lead to a foundational understanding of fractions.
Fractions Part 1 Online Self-directed Module
Fractions Part 1 Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Fraction Concepts and Models Part II
Description: The module provides information on how to apply the knowledge from Fraction Concepts and Models Part I to students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Fractions Part 2 Online Self-directed Module
Fractions Part 2 Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Functions and Rates
In this module, participants will gain understanding of how students can use language descriptors as a foundation for developing mathematical language using variables. Participants will also learn how students can use prior knowledge of counting and patterns to build an understanding of Functions and Rate and find the rate of change using a function table or graph.
Functions and Rates Online Self-directed Module
Functions and Rates Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Generating Purposes for Reading
This module reviews the Anchor-Read-Apply framework for reading comprehension. Participants will learn how to generate purposes for reading using the DLM Essential Elements and review activities to help students activate background knowledge.
Purposes for Reading Online Self-directed Module
Purposes for Reading Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Individual Education Programs Linked to the DLM Essential Elements
This self-directed module focuses on the process of writing SMART annual goals and short-term objectives or benchmarks that are linked to the DLM Claims, Conceptual Areas, and Essential Elements. This module should be used in conjunction with information provided by each state education agency regarding IEPs.
IEPs Linked to DLM EEs Online Self-directed Module
IEPs Linked to DLM EEs Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Instructional Strategies for Teaching DLM Science Part 1
Part 1 of this module provides an introduction to teaching science using an inquiry-based model, the 5E model.
Teaching Science Part 1 Online Self-directed Module
Teaching Science Part 1 Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Instructional Strategies for Teaching DLM Science Part 2
Part 2 of this module provides guidance on the use of the 5E model, strategies to employ in each of the 5E model stages, and connections between UDL and the 5E model.
Teaching Science Part 2 Online Self-directed Module
Teaching Science Part 2 Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Instructional Strategies for Teaching DLM Science Part 3
Part 3 of this module provides guidance on DLM science resources to use while planning science instruction based on the 5E model.
Teaching Science Part 3 Online Self-directed Module
Teaching Science Part 3 Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Measuring and Comparing Lengths
This module focuses on the understanding the attribute of length, how to compare and measure units, and the use of number lines and rulers in the measuring process.
Measuring and Comparing Lengths Online Self-directed Module
Measuring and Comparing Lengths Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Organizing and Using Data to Answer Questions
In this module, participants will learn that graphs are tools for visually organizing and comparing data about two or more items, that for students to learn to think statistically, the “data” must always be related to a question or a series of questions and that object, and that picture and bar graphs are useful to display categorical data and line plots, circle charts, and tables tend are useful in displaying numerical data. Participants will also understand how students will learn to interoperate data from increasingly more complex displays.
Using Data to Answer Questions Online Self-directed Module
Using Data to Answer Questions Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Patterns and Sequence
Participants will understand that recognizing and creating patterns is a basic math skill upon which many mathematical concepts are based and will learn about using repetition with variety to support student understanding of patterns. Participants will also understand that the base-ten number system is full of patterns and helping students recognize those patterns gives the student a way of making connections between what they already know and what they are learning.
Patterns and Sequence Online Self-directed Module
Patterns and Sequence Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Perimeter, Volume, and Mass
The basic concepts of perimeter, volume, and mass will be discussed. Participants will understand how to use the Anchor, Think and Do, Apply lesson format when planning instructional activities using perimeter and volume as an example. Using the Anchor, Think and Do, Apply format, participants will match Essential Elements to purposes for instruction and determine anchor activities that match purposes.
Perimeter, Volume, and Mass Online Self-directed Module
Perimeter, Volume, and Mass Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Place Value
The module connects recognizing a unit to place value and explains the beginning knowledge set needed for place value understanding.
Place Value Online Self-directed Module
Place Value Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
The Power of Ten-Frames
This self-directed module focuses on the use of a ten frame as a tool to help students develop an understanding of base-ten as well as composing and decomposing.
Ten-Frames Online Self-directed Module
Ten-Frames Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Predictable Chart Writing
This module focuses on what predictable chart writing is and why it is important for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Participants will examine student and teacher roles and ways predictable chart writing can be adapted to meet the needs of students.
Predictable Chart Writing Online Self-directed Module
Predictable Chart Writing Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Principles of Instruction in English Language Arts
This provides an overview of principles of instruction in English Language Arts and relates them specifically to students with significant cognitive disabilities who will complete the alternate assessment.
Instruction in ELA Online Self-directed Module
Instruction in ELA Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Properties of Lines and Angles
This module will provide information specific to lines and angles so that you can continue to support student understanding and learning of the properties of shape.
Lines and Angles Online Self-directed Module
Lines and Angles Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Science and Engineering Practices Part 1
Part one of this module provides guidance on how to engage students in the science and engineering practice that is specified in an Essential Element.
Science Practices Part 1 Online Self-directed Module
Science Practices Part 1 Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Science and Engineering Practices Part 2
Part two of this module provides guidance on how to make connections to the DLM ELA and Math Essential Elements through the science and engineering practices that are specified in the DLM Science Essential Elements.
Sciences Practices Part 2 Online Self-directed Module
Science Practices Part 2 Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Science and Engineering Practices #2: Developing and Using Models
The goal of this module is to increase knowledge of Science and Engineering Practice (SEP) #2: Developing and Using Models and to inspire future scientists through engaging activities. Types of models and their usefulness during instruction support the module’s focus. The module also explores models at different levels of complexity and includes example instructional practices.
Online Self-directed Developing and Using Models Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Developing and Using Models
Science and Engineering Practices #3: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
This module focuses on the Carrying Out Investigations component of SEP 3. The module provides an example activity to demonstrate ways that students can participate in an investigation. The module also includes guidance for teaching the SEP and adjusting the level of complexity.
Online Self-directed Planning and Carrying Out Investigations Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
Sciences and Engineering Practices #4: Analyzing and Interpreting Data
The goal of this module is to increase knowledge of science and engineering practice (SEP) #4: Analyzing and Interpreting Data and to engage students in the practice through accessible activities. The module also explores different levels of complexity for the activities.
Online Self-directed Analyzing and Interpreting Data Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Science and Engineering Practices #5: Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
The goal of this module is to increase teacher knowledge of science and engineering practice (SEP) #5: Using Mathematical and Computational Thinking. An accessible activity is provided to engage students with the SEP. The module also addresses instructional considerations that impact student engagement with mathematical concepts and ways that science activities can be adjusted for complexity.
Online Self-directed Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
Science and Engineering Practices #6: Constructing Explanations
This module focuses on teaching the Constructing Explanations component of SEP 6 through use of a writing framework. The module also includes guidance for teaching the SEP and framework through differing levels of complexity.
Online Self-directed Constructing Explanations Module
Group Facilitated Module Materials for Constructing Explanations
Shared Reading
This module describes shared reading, a reading approach that emphasizes interaction and engagement with books. In the DLM assessment, students frequently engage in a shared reading of a text before rereading a text to respond to questions.
Shared Reading Online Self-directed Module
Shared Reading Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Speaking and Listening
This module addresses speaking and listening in the broader context of expressive and receptive communication for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The content in this module is important to understand the DLM Essential Elements in Speaking and Listening and across all of the strands of Essential Elements in English language arts.
Speaking and Listening Online Self-directed Module
Speaking and Listening Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Strategies and Formats for Presenting Ideas
Participants will review the general skills targeted in the DLM™ Essential Elements for developing presentations, the steps for creating a presentation and how to support student participation and collaboration, and how various types of media can be used in different formats to enhance presentations.
Presenting Ideas Online Self-directed Module
Presenting Ideas Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Supporting Participation in Discussion
Participants will review the goals of supporting participation in discussion and the need of an expressive means of communication for all students. Participants will also be given 5 strategies to use in supporting students during discussions with teachers and peers.
Participation in Discussion Online Self-directed Module
Participation in Discussion Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
This self-directed module provides an overview of symbols to support communication and interaction. It also describes the use of symbols and photographs in text.
Symbols Online Self-directed Module
Symbols Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-Apply
Participants will learn to identify the components of an Anchor-Read-Apply text comprehension lesson, match purposes for reading with anchor activities, and describe the difference between asking question to assess comprehension and teaching students to understand text in increasingly complex ways.
Teaching Text Comprehension Online Self-directed Module
Teaching Text Comprehension Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Time and Money
Participants will learn about money concepts, the language of time, the skills involved in reading a clock, and how questions can be rephrased into statements so that students can demonstrate their receptive understanding of time concepts.
Time and Money Online Self-directed Module
Time and Money Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
The module focuses on understanding units or groupings to help students develop a strategic use of units to deal with quantities and problem solving.
Unitizing Online Self-directed Module
Unitizing Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Units and Operations
This module presents the idea of unit as a foundational understanding that impacts student understanding of groupings, place value, and operations in algebraic, geometric and fractional thinking.
Units and Operations Online Self-directed Module
Units and Operations Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Universal Design for Learning
This self-directed module provides an introduction to Universal Design for Learning as it relates to the College and Career Readiness Standards and students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Universal Design for Learning Online Self-directed Module
Universal Design for Learning Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Who are Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities?
This self-directed module focuses on the characteristics that distinguish students with significant cognitive disabilities who take an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards from other students with disabilities.
Who are Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities? Online Self-directed Module
Who are Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities? Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Writing with Alternate Pencils
This module describes ways to get students started with writing when they cannot use a traditional pencil, pen, or computer keyboard. The content of this module applies to students at all levels of literacy understanding including students who do not yet know letter names or sounds.
Writing with Alternate Pencils Online Self-directed Module
Writing with Alternate Pencils Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Writing: Getting Started with Narrative Writing
This module describes narrative writing and explains how to support students in writing about familiar experiences. Participants will identify possible topics for students to write about, as well as examine narrative writing drafts by students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Narrative Writing Online Self-directed Module
Narrative Writing Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Writing: Getting Started in Writing Arguments
After completing this module, participants will be able to describe the difference between persuasion and arguments, identify ways to use familiar student experiences in instruction, and create mentor texts based on student preferences.
Writing Arguments Online Self-directed Module
Writing Arguments Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Writing Information and Explanation Texts
This module focuses on approaches that help students learn to select topics and write to share information or explain what they know about them.
Information and Explanation Texts Online Self-directed Module
Information and Explanation Texts Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Writing: Production and Distribution
This module address the need to provide students with significant cognitive disabilities with access to a means of writing as well as sound and well-balanced instruction in the cognitive acts that writing requires.
Production and Distribution Online Self-directed Module
Production and Distribution Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Writing: Research and Range of Writing
This module focuses on writing instruction designed to help students with significant cognitive disabilities ultimately develop the capacity to build knowledge on a subject through research and to respond through writing while keeping a focus on a range of purposes and audiences for writing.
Research and Range of Writing Online Self-directed Module
Research and Range of Writing Facilitated Module Materials for Groups
Writing: Text Types and Purposes
This module provides a brief overview of writing in the DLM Essential Elements with an emphasis on teaching students with significant cognitive disabilities how to use print or braille to communicate to different people for different reasons.
Text Types and Purposes Online Self-directed Module
Text Types and Purposes Facilitated Module Materials for Groups